Sunday, 4 December 2011

Wednesday 7th May

Today is the, “FĂȘte des Fleurs” in Bonsoleil. A big occasion. I have no interest in flowers or gardening but at their stage in life – early retirement – my parents have begun to become more and more involved. Mum made a list of the plants she wanted weeks ago. We set off mid-morning, so as not to be beaten by the, “mad rush.” Mum forgot her list and flowers were quite expensive so we settled for a courgette plant, a pepper plant and a tomato plant. If they grow, they are always a bonus – and very cheap.

We came across the English lady who gave me a lift home in the rain the other day and I was very surprised at her manner. Accompanied by her parents – presumably over from England – she was nothing like the friendly, kind and helpful woman that I had met that rainy day in Turat. Her parents seemed friendly enough but she made numerous digs even in the short space of time that our paths crossed. On our information that I had succeeded in getting the car going the next day, she said, “I told you it wasn't the battery, didn't I! At the time, I was thinking, why has he got jump leads when his starter's gone? It wasn't the battery!”

Well, I'm damned if it wasn't! And there is not a thing wrong with my starter, thank you very much. I said nothing to her, as I had been extremely grateful of her assistance in getting me home but what a stupid woman. I was confused and rather irritated at her. Mum said she reckoned she had had a telling off by her husband on her return that afternoon. In that case, what a stupid man he is too!

Tuesday 29th April

I was finally given my, “planning” today – obviously an English-borrowed word that the French somehow take to mean your, “working hours” or “timetable,” but no contract. I am convinced they are going to sack me. My hours are for this week – thirty-nine hours, although France is supposed to be subject to a thirty-five hour week. Still, I really cannot complain about the hours because they work like this:

09:00 start, which means 09:10, or if Bernard is not there, 09:30. Lunch is 12:30 – 13:30, which means knocking off at 12:00 and wandering back at between 13:45 and 14:00. The days ends invariably at 17:30, although my, “planning” shows some days ending at 18:00. Variations come in the form of a 09:30 start, which in actuality means 09:45.

The workload follows a similar pattern. If no groups are booked then we sell individual tickets. The morning sees one tour at 10:30 and the afternoon, one tour at 14:30. The wages are poor but tips can supplement well.

I have noticed Bernard's manipulation of this. He makes some long-winded tale to tourists of how he has been run off his feet all day and that he cannot possibly do another tour. Then, “just to please you and not refuse your desire to see the chapels,” he takes a little group on a “mini-tour.” He then proceeds to occupy them for thirty minutes or more, without imposing a ticket on them. They are so grateful that they thank him heartily and give him a little, “pourboire,” which can add up to a hefty sum.

I find it amusing because he can take ten people on these, “tours” without charge but he pockets the tips. For the same work he could charge them, but, “cut” two tickets - or more - off the top for himself, thus giving himself the same pocket-money, while still putting something in the till. However, clearly that would be dishonest and outright theft, whereas what he is doing is from the goodness of his own heart!