We came across the English lady who gave me a lift home in the rain the other day and I was very surprised at her manner. Accompanied by her parents – presumably over from England – she was nothing like the friendly, kind and helpful woman that I had met that rainy day in Turat. Her parents seemed friendly enough but she made numerous digs even in the short space of time that our paths crossed. On our information that I had succeeded in getting the car going the next day, she said, “I told you it wasn't the battery, didn't I! At the time, I was thinking, why has he got jump leads when his starter's gone? It wasn't the battery!”
Well, I'm damned if it wasn't! And there is not a thing wrong with my starter, thank you very much. I said nothing to her, as I had been extremely grateful of her assistance in getting me home but what a stupid woman. I was confused and rather irritated at her. Mum said she reckoned she had had a telling off by her husband on her return that afternoon. In that case, what a stupid man he is too!