Monday, 27 February 2012

Boring Monday

It has been a week or so since I last posted a blog. This one is not ground-breaking either, just the usual blend of musing, contemplating and general day-dreaming.

Actually, the blog for today is even more like a diary-entry than usual. Today is Monday, it is lunch-time and I have a few minutes to while away. So, I am tapping away.

As is often the case, my day could not have been planned in advance and I did not find out until 7:45 am that I was in fact working today and where indeed I would be working. Had I not received a phone-call containing such instructions, my day would have revolved around a visit to the garage, guitar and golf.

All the activities do in fact follow on from the events of the week-end. Saturday was a fairly relaxed day, whereby I got a few chores and errands done and out of the way early on and then settled down to the guitar, followed by a trip to my brother's house to watch the Six Nations Rugby and to enjoy a few drinks.

I woke early on Sunday with the mindset of not wasting the day. The weather was lovely, particularly for the time of year and I headed off to the golf course for an early tee-of time of shortly after 8 am.

I am a speedy golfer and had completed 18-holes by 10 o'clock. I was then invited to take part in the Sunday Social and so embarked on another nine-holes as a four-ball. The golf was followed by a pint and a chat and was all good fun and people headed off at around 1 pm.

Unfortunately, I was delayed slightly by the fact that the van would not start. The battery icon on the dashboard has been lit up for a week or so and I had noticed the juices seeming rather faint as I turn the engine over. However, I was hoping to ignore it for a couple of weeks when I intend to get the van serviced and MOT'd, in any case.

The problem was temporarily resolved by pushing the van into a position from which I could start rolling it down the hill and thus jump-start it. It worked like a charm and I got home.

I have a battery charger and have fully recharged the battery, so I was able to start the van again this morning. The warning symbol is still on, however, so there is clearly an underlying problem and I will have to sort it out. My limited vehicle knowledge suggests to me that it might well be a problem with the alternator.

Golfing-wise, I had sketchily arranged to play a round with someone today, if I was free. I took his phone-number so as to text him with my whereabouts and availability as it became known. However, I appear to have failed to save the details correctly in my phone, so I am unable to do so. I will try ringing the club and see if I can pass on a message.

That's about it, really. Hardly riveting. I will work the afternoon, head home via the garage, do weights and then settle into the evening.

All in all, a pretty boring Monday.

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