The route that I take is reasonably interesting, as it is in a rural setting, but it can be quite tedious and boring to do twice daily and on a regular basis. In order to offset the boredom, I listen to the radio.
I have a very basic radio in the car which combined with the rural location means I am very limited in terms of the choice of station.
As a result, I am listening to a radio station that I would not necessarily have chosen given more options. It is quite illuminating as to the interests and thought processes of many people and of things that are going on to which I was quite comfortably oblivious.
In order to briefly summarise, the morning show is relatively entertaining. The host does a good job with a good sense of humour. All in all, it is good company. Similarly, the programme to accompany the drive home is not too bad either. The music choices vary but there are some good songs played, albeit alongside a fair amount of drivel.
My annoyance and gripe comes in between the two. I failed to mention above that I also spend some of my lunch-break in the car and consequently, I put the radio on. The discussions aired at that time of the day are insane. The host is a 'berk.' He has an annoying voice, he makes stupid comments and clearly has an inflated opinion of himself.
Furthermore, the topics considered are mind-numbing at best. I cannot seem to grasp the purpose of the programme at all. It is not intelligent conversation that is entered into, neither is it humorous nor helpful. I realise that an element of impartial debate is that there is no bias and that all angles are considered. However, I do not think this happens at all.
The presenter appears to be deliberately awkward with the guests or callers for no apparent reason. The only impression I can make is that he does actually think he is clever, or that he is making an insightful observation. Frankly, he never does. He is a complete imbecile.
Many of the listeners are little better. It is baffling what reward they gain from contributing to the show. Nevertheless, they still feel compelled to do so.
I have not named the radio station, nor the programme and I have no desire to do so. It is not my intention to launch an attack on a named individual. I am merely 'blogging' away to ease my own boredom. Neither am I fully equipped to criticize something that I have only recently and briefly tuned into.
In fact, the main reason for this rambling is that I am on my lunch-break and I have switched the radio off because the incessant drone of the faceless voice is too annoying. As is the negativity that stems from discussion about suicide, corrupt politicians and homophobia.
Heavens above, what happened to a bit of banter and good-time music? The last song that was played was some 'bozo' singing about Charlie Brown.
Well, there is consolation in that whatever is 'airing' during the drive home can only be an improvement. Ultimately, I will be glad when these three weeks are over. No lengthy rural drive will mean no dreary radio and three weeks pay will give me the option of upgrading my equipment.
I bet I don't upgrade though. I would have nothing to moan and blog about!
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