Saturday, 7 January 2012

An Experiment with Cheap Web Cam

I have just bought a really cheap Web cam and so thought I would try a liitle experiment.  I borrowed a similar Web cam a while back and frankly, I was amazed at the quality - for the price.

This Web Cam cost £14.99 (reduced from £29.99) from Maplin.

I am playing through a Fender Classic 50's Stratocaster, "Hecho en Mexico" and a Fender 212R amplifier.  I only purchased the amp a week ago, so I am still guessing with the settings.

Anyway, I wondered how good/bad the result could be when simply recording through a basic web cam.  An awful lot of people seem to spend oodles of money on all sorts of gizzmos and gadgets, in order to get the best and highest definition of whatever.  Is it necessary?

Admittedly, I am lazy when it come to technology.  I have little interest and no idea.  I would rather spend my time physically getting better at something, so in this example of music and specifically guitar playing, my mentality is to put my efforts into hitting all the correct notes, cleanly and in the correct timing.  Until I can get that right, why worry about the rest?

This is a simple experiment.  The impatience in me provoked me to make a quick clip before I have really got to grips with things or prepared the stage accordingly.  In hindsight, the slippers are possibly a nice touch.

Anyway, I will be interested to see the outcome and I am assured of avoiding embarassment by the fact that nobody reads my blog!