There is a common theory that everything is mapped out for us and that we are merely passengers on the journey. At the age of thirty-two and still meandering through life with no real idea of the direction in which I am going, I am happy to go along with that.
Some of the nicknames that I have endured provide for a certain degree of amusement and possibly intrigue into their origins. Therefore, I shall name a few:
“Li” (pronounced “Lee,” and short for Liam) has been a common one amongst family and friends. I like it. It is unforced, simple and I take it as a form of endearment.
After “Li,” there are more character-related monikers, such as “Beast,” introduced at a time when I lived, breathed, ate, drank and slept road-race cycling and training. It was used in reference to my incessant work ethic, in a similar fashion to the more explicit term, “Mile-Muncher.”
Subsequent employment in schools has made me fair game for name-calling. Strangely enough, kids have a childish element to them, which has resulted in labels related to my appearance.
“Superman” is a favourite. “Mr Muscle” (from the TV ads) has at times been given a mention. I have even heard “Spiderman” on a number of occasions, presumably from those who confuse their superheroes. A less appreciated doppelgänger has been “Where's Wally.” Admittedly, I was wearing spectacles and a stripy jumper at the time.
When I have allowed the Superman quiff and flick to grow, along with noteworthy sideburns, “Elvis” immediately gets a mention.
Contrastingly, when I was quite into my weight-training, had bulked up a little and shaved my head, I was called, “Jarhead.”
In further contrast, when I was very into my cycling and had got pretty skinny, I was referred to as, “Sherlock.”
Finally, I have even been called a “bum.” No, wait a minute that was not a nickname, but an insult. Thank you brother!
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(Ed. Not that kind of "bum!") |
Those are the principals so far as I can remember. They all have elements of accuracy and they are all complimentary in their own way - except for “Where's Wally.” I cannot see anything complimentary about that.
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