Wednesday, 4 January 2012

This is what I do

I've spent today pretty much like every other day when I am not called in for some mind-numbing boredom that society accepts as work. I got up at 6am, went about by business and settled down for a day with the guitar.

I first started playing the guitar 3 ½ years ago. It is hard to say why I waited so long. A couple of reasons spring to mind - I doubted I would ever have the ability and I also had a serious addiction to road-race cycling for many years, meaning I spent thousands of hours literally riding against the wind.

My Dad bought himself a '60's Telecaster about four years back, which gave me the kick that I needed. I set about learning the art of guitar playing, became obsessed and set myself a five-year project to become good.

Initially, I amazed myself with my progress, but I do have a masochistic way of applying myself to a task. If it is not hurting, time-consuming and at times frustratingly difficult, then it is not good enough. As a result, I spend hours, hours and hours learning and playing.

I have been helped by the ways of this world and the fact that I seem to scare people away from engaging me in meaningful, full-time employment. Consequently, I continue to have plenty of time in order to further my progress.

Today has been freezing cold, dark and wet. I have been working primarily on ZZ Top's 'La Grange,' 'Sharp Dressed Man' and 'Tush,' which have some great, punchy rhythm parts.

It is a good example of what I do. I try to learn something new from every person. It is a great way to learn. I do not want to copy people but I will be influenced by them and my own style will come through.

I have always loved Elvis, then it was 'Country' and Willie, Waylon and the Boys. When learning the guitar, SRV blows my mind. I like Southern Rock. Through tuition, I have discovered Albert Lee, Arlen Roth, Danny Gatton...

I could go on and on... but I won't.

I play my guitar like it it is a part of me. It is a good instrument, it has got some scars, has taken some hits and is ageing a little, but it is solid, trustworthy and pretty sweet.
I am already pretty good. In 18-months time, I could be really good!

Anyway, it's what I do.

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