Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Johnny Cash

I had a quote running through my mind yesterday, meaning that by evening time, I was flicking through my copy of Johnny Cash's autobiography, “Cash,” in a vain attempt to locate the exact words.

It was something along the lines that although he, “may not be the best looking man in the world, but if I'd looked like some I've seen, I wouldn't even go up (on stage).” Although I did not manage to find the quote I was looking for, it was fascinating to revisit a book I have read on a number of times, but not for a little while.

Johnny Cash was a great and influential man to many. So much of what he did, how he lived and what he said, sang and played struck a chord with ordinary people in everyday life. Here are a few noteworthy excerpts that I happened upon at random yesterday:

When describing performing and in reference to the Louisiana Hayride, Johnny Cash writes,

“This business I'm in is different. It's special. The people around me feel like brothers and sisters. We hardly know each other, but we're that close; somehow there's been an immediate bonding between total strangers.”(1)

During the course of the book, Cash also discusses his faith. I find this interesting because a lot of people have faith and believe in God but people express it in different ways. Cash mentions how Billy Graham helped him to deal with his faith as a public person. Graham told him,

“Don't apologize for who you are and what you've done in the past. Be who you are and do what you do.” (2)

Another passage I like and on a similar theme comes towards the end of the book. Cash mentions the strength of his wife, June Carter and how, “she is a prayer warrior and I'm not.” He continues to say,

“Always, though, the first thing I say when I get up in the morning, whether or not June's with me, before my feet hit the floor, is “Good morning, Lord.” Then, by the time I'm on my feet, I say, “Praise God.” I know that's not much – it's not the prayer Jesus taught us – but it's my way of establishing immediate contact with my Creator. At some time during the day I usually manage to recite the Lord's Prayer, if only to myself silently.” (3)

There is so much poignant stuff in these pages. You can even learn something about music! Everyone knows Johnny Cash was not a perfect man, but he was good, honest and true.

Johnny Cash is someone who's example should influence and encourage you to be who you are, do what you do and get the most out of what you have got. Most of all, enjoy it!

Country Music ♥


CASH – The Autobiography of Johnny Cash
with Patrick Carr
First Published in the USA in 1997 by HarperSanFrancisco
(1) pp. 72-73
(2) pp. 226
(3) pp. 252

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