Perhaps it is some strange high-octane combination of the truncated sleep patterns, dietary deficiency and ethanol, but if this keeps up, everyone should try it. At least it is a natural high.
I do not take drugs. I never have done. I have a huge aversion to chemicals and pills of any form. I do not even take paracetamol/aspirin. I have always believed if you start making use of medication to alter physical or mental ailments, you are taking away the natural role of the body.
Once you have done that, you lose the natural equilibrium, without which, you never know where you are. Eventually, you correct everything with something, which is fundamentally heading in the wrong direction. What you ought to do is get back to your inner core.
I must make it clear I have absolutely no authority, training, nor credentials to make these assertions, other than this is my blog, so I can write whatever I like. Furthermore, I am a physically fit, intelligent and seriously jacked up son of a bitch, who feels like he is going to shoot up into the stratosphere and save the universe. So, who doesn't want to feel like me?
I am going to do something. There is a high energy out there. If you look for it, you will find it. It might not be obvious. You might have to search through the gloomy crowds and into the darker corners. Maybe it is up in the air, high in the sky, or perhaps it is right in your lap.
That energy. That raw fuel. That unadulterated inspiration is lurking somewhere and it is a fire-fighting, pile-driving, baby-bouncing gift from God.
Maybe it is an over-hyped intelligence, an elevated IQ or a maniacal tendency that explains this unrelenting, incessant and insatiable brain train, or maybe I am just taking the piss.
I have to use this energy. I need to focus it to ensure it is appreciated to its full potential.
I am not being confrontational. I do not want to bang heads. I want to be useful, helpful and positively outstanding.
Now is the time. The time is right. It is time to do it. I am ready. I am pumped. I have got the energy. Is there anyone out there who wants a piece of this energy? Who wants to share this fuel? Who wants to partake in this phenomenon?
All you have to do is ask.
This is no rage against the machine. I AM the machine!!!
Bring it on!
☺ Keep Smiling ☺
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